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Friday 9 December 2022 @12:51
Sixteenth Post

My life took a sharp turn for the worse when news of my close Thai friend's death reached me in the morning of 29 October 2022. My dear friend, Fone, had passed away from tuberculosis in prison.

Fone was like a dear little brother to me. He was my trusty assistant and loyal companion. He had helped me and my friends with significant things.

For example:
1. He helped me attend to some important immigration matters in my stead nearing the deadline.
2. He helped me negotiate the deal involving a super-expensive mattress, including liaising with the salesperson after my buyer's regret.
3. He helped to call up a government agency to ask about matters pertaining to a deed (land ownership, that is) for my friend.
4. He brought my Singaporean friend out when he was visiting while I had to work.

There were also the small little things that really touched me.
1. He painted using watercolour an endearing picture of two hamsters.
2. He prepared for me an intricate bento using his excellent culinary skills.
3. He made some candy for me and my then-roommate.
4. Knowing that I liked LINE stuff, he bought some graphic tapes from 7-eleven for me.
5. He also drew a picture of Brown on a piece of paper that was made into a medicine holder, reminding me to apply some allergy medicine.
6. He kept the things that I gave him close, like a keychain with Pooh. He wore it everywhere he went.
7. He also bought me some pants, and shared about his personal life daily.

Oh, my grief for him has been overwhelming. In the evening of his death, 28 October 2022, I was still mentioning to a mutual friend over dinner that he was about to be released from prison in just one more month. Alas, that was the same day he succumbbed to his illness.

I have been crying almost every day in painful grief. I kept on asking for forgiveness for not being able to video call him and write letters to him. 
He needed the encouragement to eat properly in prison so that his body could fight off the infection, but he must have been severely depressed and desolate. He once wrote in a reply letter dated 21 June 2022, three weeks after he was incarcerated, that the letters that I wrote to him were the only things motivating him. However, I didn't rummage through my mailbox thoroughly, so the letter must have been buried under other things in my mailbox for two months. The agony of waiting in vain he must have experienced! :'( he must have felt so abandoned......

I also allowed my heavy workload to take over my life. Something as simple as writing a letter and sending it EVERY WEEK was also not done out of laziness and busyness. I really hate myself for that, and I hate my work for that. What mattered to me more was a life, not work, but I did not do enough to help my little brother. I really regret my actions. I regret taking his strength for granted.

I told him in my letters to keep himself busy, to form good ties with the other prisoners and wardens. But someone in depression would probably prefer shutting himself off from society. 

I am also worried about prison as a nasty institution. I don't know if he was abused there, but I shudder to consider that......

Anyway, my dear Fone is gone now. He's been gone for more than a month. Yesterday, 8 December 2022, would have been his 25th birthday. I would terribly have liked to bring him out to have some nice food to celebrate. Alas......

I am thankful though that I am not the only one grieving his absence. I know one of his other close friends went to make offerings yesterday. I, though, merely prayed to God for mercy...... I hope Jesus can take pity on Fone and be merciful towards his fate after death. I hope Fone is free from suffering and disease in the afterlife. I am terribly sorry for still grieving over him. Some people said that Buddhist belief is that if we cannot let go of the departed, they will remain sad and be unable to be reborn. I don't know, I really don't know. 

One thing is for sure though, that I need to move on soon. I can feel my physical health deteriorating like shit. My heart feels weak, my head hurts, my breathing is impaired. All this heavy grief has taken a physical toll on me. Fone once said in his farewell text that he wants me to rest more often and to be healthy. I am not really healthy now, though... so I guess that's something he'll be sad about.

I told myself I would allow myself to grief until February, 100 days after his death. There are still so many milestones involving him to come that are gonna make me cry. For example, he sent me a voice message on New Year's Day, wishing me a happy new year and happiness. Then there will be when we first met on around 17 Jan. These milestones are gonna bring back so many memories of endearment... 

Grief. Sucks. Balls. sigh....................................

Time heals all wounds, I guess. May God please take my grief and give me healing.

I love you and miss you, my dear Nong Fone aka Nong Ling! 🤗


Sunday 25 February 2018 @00:53
Thirteenth Post

In my twenty-five years of drawing breath, I have come to realise that God has been safeguarding me,
protecting me from the outside individuals.
Many people who have crossed me in the past
have come to suffer their own worse fates years later.
For example, some poor people had their noodz maliciously uploaded.
I mean, don't say I didn't warn you about others who possess malicious intents who may want to expose your shame to the rest of the world for the thrill and sadistic pleasure of it.
Others I had wanted to get to know, but beyond the superficial, adulterated pictures, they didn't look as good as pictorially presented, not to mention their lacking character.


I feel indeed very blessed. Sometimes I get these weird dreams and I find myself experiencing déjà vu more than less in real life... Just yesterday, something like that happened but now I can't really remember what exactly was similar to what I had dreamt before. Was it sitting at the hotel chairs?

I hope to have many opportunities to strike it rich in future =] be they in academia or entertainment. I have a mouth that needs to be run!
A wit to be exploited, a charisma to infect others with.

Oh well......

Thanks mummy and papa for visiting me in Bangkok too in the last week of January. I hope you enjoyed the places I brought you to and the new experiences. I'm sorry for the missing cash...... :'(


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Sunday 21 January 2018 @21:14
Twelfth Post

I dreamt that I went back to Singapore. Unfortunately, I was mad at my mom because she changed Thai baht for me at a lousy rate......
I also dreamt that I lost some of my teeth. Geez, you know those dreams, right? You spent time fixing your teeth and then they're damaged because maybe someone punched you or because of some accident. That's just permanent disfigurement and a load of pain to restore what was lost.

I swiped someone on Tinder more than a year ago and I just got to meet him when he visited Bangkok! ^^
It's just marvelous how someone can have such good genes. His face was just FLAWLESS.
We had Chu Chocolate Bar and Restaurant near Chong Nonsi BTS station... and then we went to JJ Green with another friend of his, Dexter.

Alas, the memories of Max and Sphinx came flooding back.

It was raining the day we went to Chatuchak. We had wanted to visit the Weekend Market but it was pouring, and we went in the late afternoon, so we settled for JJ Green which was a night market near the Weekend Market. In our time there, we had some nice food which the three of us shared:

I bought some yum mama (instant noodles cooked in a sweet-sour-spicy style) while Max bought this fried ice-cream

Max also bought some lego to build two Pokémon. We spent the morning fixing it amidst strewn pubic hair on the floor LOL

Alas, it was the Sunday Max had to leave to spend time with his father. I cooked some scrambled eggs for him, P'Tew and Sphinx

I couldn't believe it. Max was the first Singaporean friend to visit me after I've touched down in Bangkok. I spent so much time using Singlish with him that he invoked in me my Singaporean spirit, and now that he had to leave me alone dangling.................................. it was too much to bear. Not to mention how Sphinx acted kind of like my actions were unappreciated.
I just broke down and cried.
I couldn't stop...... why? Why did you have to leave me?
Why must I be alone again?
...... I guess that's the price one pays for studying abroad.
I sobbed and tried to breathe while Sphinx sat and comforted me. I didn't reveal, though, that he was part of the reason why I was tearing.

........................... I'm good at confronting people for the wrongs they've done, but not when it deals with my emotions. Hais

Anyway, Sphinx accompanied me until the Monday to take care of me and spend time with me. I was lucky to not be alone. Alas...... he had to leave too, eventually.

While I'm on the topic of Max's visit to Bangkok before his patriotic incarceration national obligations, here are some pictures taken from the album by Sphinx and me while Max was here:

Penne with pesto at Chu

Sphinx took this photo. What I was doing was actually hiding my sadness because I felt hurt by the lack of appreciation. Perhaps it looked nice, nonetheless.

We went to the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre one day. I had a bag along which I could not bring into the exhibition area, so I told Sphinx and Max to go on ahead while I sat outside. Sphinx very kindly took pictures and sent them to me so that I could partake in the viewing of the exhibitions. It was a verryyy, verrrrryyyyyyy nice gesture =]

One night, we were all at Silom (I think after coming back from JJ Green). Max stopped along the pavement to buy some greeting cards with foldings. Guess who took this picture? ;)

Luckily for us who had no idea what to do next, we stumbled upon this very beautiful cat cafe called Cat Up Café [ which has unfortunately closed down last November ;( ]

Waffles as the entry fee. It was quite affordable and also delicious ^^

Sphinx with a kitty cat

Aww, the cat fell asleep in his lap ^^

Guess who snapped this peekchure? ;) featuring Max's พุง

Yea. That's about it. It was nice while it lasted......


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Sunday 7 January 2018 @05:55
Eleventh Post

It's a new year
yet I feel fear
the heavy workloads loom
foreshadowing mental doom

Lately my mind has been in a state of dread
a state of depression, a sombre sad
the temporal memories of joy always lead
to an eventual realisation, an emotional seed
sown into the dirt of my mind
fertile with hurt and dejection over time
soon the shoot will sprout, grey leaves will grow
developing into a hollow tree while the roots reach low
seasoned it bears fruit, a throbbing flesh of pain
better to be pecked by crows than feel again
but the circle of life forgives not
the undigested feelings fall back onto the soil, not rot
watered with lonely tears, warmed in mire
the air of gloom brings life to the fire
singeing my nerves, charring my walls,
choked by regrets, sorrow and all
the thoughts of everything that transpired
immolated my crimson chamber, the will to respire
into ashes
so life dashes
dispersed by the winds of time
as I fade out of existence

Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually cut out for further studies in Linguistics.
It seems like I'm a perpetual letdown. I let the teachers who wrote my recommendation letters down. I let these Thai lecturers down. I let my family and friends down. I let myself down.
I even let God down.

All because of one person I let myself become so attached to. Yes, I am acknowledging my problem.

Never had I spent a birthday alone. I was cooped up at home all day. In the last six hours of 4th Jan, I went to sleep and dreamt. I was accompanied more in my dreams than in reality.

Perhaps I could learn a thing or two from my ex. I should just dispose of all the belongings left behind in my house, so that I would not have to be constantly reminded of that person.
I would not have to be constantly haunted by thoughts of that person.
After all, a unilateral decision was made to ignore me regardless of the state of maturity.
Perhaps it's for the best since I'm trying to interact with more females now. In view of this, perhaps I should not indulge in this myopic depression.
I don't know......


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Thursday 2 November 2017 @03:34
Tenth Post


Feeling hungrie again LOL x__x

I wanted to blog a few days ago, but now I've forgotten about what I wanted to blog about...... ughs

Alright, let's talk about this topic.

I have a Thai friend who uses "lah" often. As Singaporeans would know, lah has three different tones: using the Mandarin tone system in Singapore, it would be lah2, lah3 and lah4. They all have the following levels of assertion and politeness:

Not me lah2 — it's not me, I swear!
Not me lah3 — dude, it's not me.
Not me lah4 — dude, why the fuck would you even think it's me?

So, this Thai friend cannot differentiate between the three versions and uses lah4 for all his lah's, which comes across as being rude. There's no finesse at all nor discernment applied. Do I get offended? Yes. Do I have a right to? Yes. Have I told him before that it's rude when inappropriately used? Yes.

Tsk tsk.

In other news, I have tried to look for translation jobs from Thai to English in order to earn some $$$ and also to practise my translation skills, but I have encountered no luck as of yet. Sigh......

One thing I really hate is the money-mindedness that my mother has ingrained into me. Suppose I wanted to exchange S$5000, and using a $1000 note gives me an exchange rate of 24.45 while a $100 note and below would give me a rate of 24.40, if I had exchanged all $5000 in terms of $1000 notes, I would have "earned" 250 baht more than if I had used the smaller notes. 250 baht is approximately S$10...... should I really mind this amount and exchange all at one go, or wait for higher rates before changing all of them, or change $100 at a time when I run out of money when the rate is not so ideal and wait for a much higher rate before I would exchange everything?
Are you confused? So am I boggled.
Perhaps I should just think that once I get out into the working world, I could easily cover this difference with a small percentage of my pay.

Alright. Perhaps we could talk about more personal matters.
I recently got to know somebody ^_^ things were going quite well. Said person was quite good-looking and I brought said person out on said person's birthday. I had Facebook messaged the restaurant the day before and they agreed to design a Happy Birthday on the lava cake that I was ordering ^_^

Needless to say, said person was so touched :') and as is birthday person's privilege, said person didn't have to pay a single unit of currency :P

That all happened back in September... on a Saturday.

Ain't I such a sweetiepie? I wish I could experience such a thing myself......
I have, though, by my seniors from NUS during a birthday where they treated me to Kiseki :P and also many other friends who have treated me to meals during non-birthday occasions.

Unfortunately, as is the folly of youth, I was lied to and found out some really terrible news. Sigh......
What can I say? Perhaps the younger you are, the more "normal" it is to look for material exhibiting the same youthfulness. Unfortunately, I cannot tolerate it when it deals with child abuse. I knew something was up and recognised said person's "methods" to divert attention by back-asking me why I was asking so much or acting weird. Oh, please, I know all these cover-up tactics. You're not dealing with some dumbass.

That happened a few weeks ago in October. I forgave said person and wanted to hang out again, but despite my repeated requests to resolve the emotional wedge between us, said person resisted them all. Left with an emotional void, I resorted to certain channels to seek some social interaction. I got to chat with a few people, and I am sure that said person would be very sian if said person knew.

Now, it's a new month and I am hoping that it would be a new start for said person. I doubt we can become as close as before, so I won't think about this so much anymore. I hope said person could also be at peace with what things have become.



Sunday 11 June 2017 @03:51
Ninth Post

If I could, would I......

...spend my years learning the languages I want to learn in the places they're spoken?

Spanish in South America
Korean in South Korea
Japanese in Japan
German in Germany
French in France
Russian in Russia maybe not for this one LOL
Vietnamese in Vietnam
Chinese in Taiwan
Thai in Thailand

Learning languages organically
with the native speakers
meeting native beaus and babes

far from home
so I roam

perhaps the distance will make the hearts of my family members grow fonder

I'm sorry, my mother. I need to grow up and I can't always be by your side.
I am no longer the innocent, naive child you grew to adore, and stop treating me like how a mother treats her toddler.

...work in entertainment such as acting?

I need to tap into my looks and make my life rich in experiences with others, far from the junk that is my current life and the people I have been acquainted with in the past months.

...settle down in another country like suburban America?

To be living in a detached house with kids running around, and friendly people all around town, to experience the neighbourly camaraderie that is portrayed in Western romanticised media.

All these, while being watched over, protected and blessed by God, far from the toxicity of inactivity, sloth, childishness and incorrigibility that I regularly withstand at home.


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Monday 5 June 2017 @04:56
Eighth Post

Withdrawal, withdrawal......

Occasionally, I will think of wanting to live life like Steven would. I mean, he had a lot of self-control, one of the chastest person ever as far as I know. I, on the other hand, lack self-control...... even when I have been "clean" for a week or two or three, withdrawal chokes me and I succumb to the physiological waterboarding...... x(

Steven is also righteous and healthy, aesthetically superior........................... oh, however can I attain such a state?

Well, lately I injured my toe which halted my exercise regime, coupled with my pig's lifestyle in the past two weeks...... my abs have been hibernating under the blanket of belly fat and now my moobies are mobilising. Geez, this sucks.

Anyway, just two more months before I have to go to Bangkok. Hopefully my academic plans will be fine and dandy. God, may I be protected from those who may come to corrupt me.

I've lately finished a Tamil video series (81 videos in all) and now I can read Tamil fully! (Kinda mostly) And now I will focus on Tamil and exercising (?), I guess.


I guess the more proper way is to live like Samuel but incorporate the compassion of Steven and some other qualities, don't you think? I mean, it's impossible to "live like Steven" fully.

Oh, yea, I had wanted to blog about this, actually.

So, a date to me is a meeting whose purpose is to further romantic interests. I have regarded most of my meet-ups with people as "non-dates", but lately I have been tempted to let one such meet-up be considered a "date". You see, I recently got to know this Vietnamese guy (two years younger) whose English is WOWWWW PERFECTO and his face is like WOWWWWWW HANDSOME FACE SIAAAAAA. He also laughs at my stupid, lame-ass jokes and seems like a very nice person. The last time we met, we had dinner at this really nice Thai restaurant called Lotus Thai along Jalan Besar...... SOOOOOOO DELICIOUSSSS.

Sigh, to be honest, he's reaaaaaaaallllllllyyyy attractive, and I sure wouldn't mind getting to know him more and more, but putting myself in this emotionally vulnerable state where I am open to furthering romantic interests has been draining me mentally. I get soo, soo tired and then I start acting up. It's not his fault, it's just me... I'm not used to "dating", I guess. It is reminiscent of the guy in the First Post where I was drained emotionally and mentally.

This also made me think of my future. If I am going to date a girl, will I be so emotionally drained too? Will I be able to keep the relationship going fine and dandy? Will my fatigue hurt my girlfriend and me? WILL I BE ABLE TO BE A GOOD BOYFRIEND AND HUSBAND AND FATHER IN FUTURE? ;__;

Maybe I'm missing the bigger picture. Maybe I should be living with God more often. Maybe my problems can be more easily solved if I just go back onto the right path. It is all so simple..........................................

Alright. That's enough. Have a good day, everyone ^^



Saturday 13 May 2017 @04:14
Seventh Post

My mother was asking me about my study plans because I was asking her about insurance overseas.

I found it so hard to talk to her about such things especially when it concerns money. After all, I grew up with a mother who was overly money-centric. When I asked for a relatively large sum of money to lend me to undergo some dental treatment, she typed two freaking long essays in our family WhatsApp group to try to dissuade me from going for it. What's even more angering was that she would raise irrelevant examples of herself and her colleagues, talking about how difficult it was to find a job, or how she had to work a lot to support her family when she was younger.

She would also always nag at me to look for a job, saying that any job will do because she values that a sum of money is guaranteed at the end of the month regardless of the number of hours of labour. I, on the other hand, valued the flexibility that comes with giving tuition part-time. I may get less per month, but at least I spend less effort per hour to get that money. She is really not understanding.

Once, when I applied for NUS's scholarship and was awarded the lowest-tier one, she complained to me in an accusatory way about why I did not apply for the higher-tier one which would give the scholars a monthly allowance. She attacked me without even finding out how scholarship applications worked in NUS. You merely submit your application through a single channel and NUS will decide to sieve you into a respective tier based on your submitted qualifications. Money, money, money.

Coupled with my mom's lack of experience in university education, she has absolutely no clue as to how university works or is, and it is frustrating for me to have to explain things to her, especially when she will go "huh" every second I end my sentences as if she didn't think before speaking, and even more especially when it deals with money. I abhor it a lot.

I decided to ignore her just now when she was asking about my plans and walk out of the room. I imagine how in other families, the kids would have been more open to talk to their parents, but I just was not raised to do so. Everything has been so top-down and I had to rebel when I was 14. I don't have the capacity.


Just last week, iMax introduced me to this Thai series called Bangrak Soi 9/1 about a family with a son and daughter and two siblings who moved into the neighbouring space of the family's house. Right now I'm at Episode 8, but it has themes of parenting, the protagonist's struggle with his sexual identity (it's all scripted, though) and etc.. The parents have repeatedly told the kids that if there's anything, they could always confide in them. Not our family, I guess.

Anyway, I don't think I can ever tell my mother about my future educational plans. Firstly, they're both pertaining to different languages. Secondly, I would expect different application procedures. Thirdly, different kinds of miscellaneous things. It's tiring to explain to her to half-thought-out "huh?"s and also talking about my sensitive educational plans. Especially when it concerns money.

Besides, what's the point of achieving a milestone of becoming a millionaire? Money is a tool that is supposed to help us in life. There is no point being stingy or overly obsessed about it especially when it is put to good use. It's rubbish when parents say they "save for their children's education" but then go back on their words when it comes to university. Fucking bullocks.

Anyway, regarding my personal life, I think my emotions have been like shit lately. Feeling the tidal emotions, thinking about my relationships...... it sucks when people you interact with let you down or mistreat you. I've been telling myself that I am better than those people (at least in terms of academic prospects) and that I do not have to feel like it's a pity if we do not become friends or are not friends. They can continue being in their state while I will be on my way upwards, or at least I hope that it's upwards. Sometimes I wonder about my academic future, if there's any point to studying so much.

Also, I am still keeping myself open to getting to know girls. It'll probably be a painful journey especially without His guidance...... Man is foolish, I guess. I am foolish.

Alright. That's all.


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Saturday 6 May 2017 @02:37
Sixth Post


I'm currently in Bangkok because I got to sit for an entrance exam at Chulalongkorn University LATER at 9 am... LOL

The amount of preparation for this test: probably 4%? Like percent.

So far I've met Butter, Fifa, Wut, Prem, Pim and Wayap ^.^ Yesterday (5th May), I got to go to the Bang Kae district which is like Western Bangkok... totally inaccessible by mass transportation. Thankfully Pim drove Wayap and me around ^_^

In the land of ปัดไม่หมด, whenever I typed "What's up ;)", it's like I'm totally ignored. I mean, don't Thais know what "What's up?" means? It's as if it's a "Hi" to them when it really should be a "How are you?" or "What are you doing?".


Another thing is the place I'm putting up as is very nice, but there seems to be a major communication breakdown between me and the host. I'm a guest after all, and I've yet to observe enough care in hosting me. Despite assuring me that he would be at home all the time and thus there is no need to make another key to his apartment, I have been made to wait for him downstairs at the lobby just so that I could finally have access to his apartment when I came back from outside. Besides this, if I were expecting my guest to be waiting at the lobby and I found that he wasn't there when I returned, I would have messaged him to ask where he was. Coupled with my shitty Thai and slow processing of Thai speech! I tried making conversation with him a few times, but he seems to be a man of few words.

To be fair, he had been very nice to accommodate me literally and also my retarded communication with him. I am a picky eater and always consider my food's value-for-money index, and he had to wait for me to decide on what food to have on my first night. He also seemed to show more attention and care just one hour ago. Maybe he's having a bad day. I don't know.

Another thing is some retrospection of myself. Surely, the number of good-looking people and the extent of good looks in Thailand are much higher and larger. Witnessing and even interacting with some made me realise how inept I am aesthetically, especially when I'm putting on more and more weight. I ponder what other I can offer -- my wit, personality, intellect? When I meet good-looking people, I feel very, very demoralised inside because if superficiality played a major role in one's relationship, I think I am not really able to sustain it. This drives me to wish for some nice woman to come into my life further, to just lead me onto another path free from all those insecurities and pain......
Well, I'm probably at the age where I am seriously contemplating my future socially. I can't remain unmarried up to my thirties. It'd be horrible.


I did see a very pretty woman selling fruits yesterday morning at the market :) sigh...............


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Thursday 20 April 2017 @21:26
Fifth Post

I was buying peanut waffles (after like months) at a bakery when I saw a standee about some Mother's Day promotion for their cakes.

Mother's Day, Mother's Day......

Sure, it's a day we celebrate our mothers being our mothers, but it seems to be a day we take for granted. When it comes, we celebrate it as if it's an ordinary day, and then not think about it after it passes.

It struck me ten seconds later. A tinge of sadness crept up on me.
Mother's Day...... just how many more Mother's Days are we going to have?
Ten? Up to Twenty?
What a really small number...... it's like a countdown.
Mother's Day seemed so much more precious, our mother's presence seemed so much more precious.
How could we have gone through twenty-four years of Mother's Day without respecting our mother enough?
And yet when the number comes down to ten left, we start to feel the reality of eternal separation......

I then imagined myself as a parent with many children, maybe even one that looked like First Post boy... one year old, two years old, three,
four years old, five years old, six,
seven years old, eight years old, nine years old, ten,
eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,
the number never seems to go down. Oh, the passing of each number, the death of each time of age...... they're never coming back again.
It kinda makes you appreciate the people around you that our days are numbered and we will one day have to say goodbye. Oh, if only time could stop or if we could go back time.

갈수록 짙어져간
그리움에 잠겨
시간을 거슬러 갈순 없나요
그 때처럼만 그대 날 안아주면
괜찮을텐데 이젠

As I soak in the thickening missing of you, can't we go back in time?
If you hug me like that time,
now would have been alright.......


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Monday 10 April 2017 @03:21
Fourth Post

Hello! A lot of things happened in the past few weeks......

Basically, I went out with my junior (henceforth affectionately known as "my little brother") three times in the past few weeks during the weekends :) yes, he's the one mentioned in my First Post

25th March 2017, Saturday
I met mlb on the train as we went to Somerset station ;) we were dining at a quaint, quiet, little restaurant called Arteastiq at Mandarin Gallery at 10 AM. LOL
Wow, I waking up so early on a Saturday morning? The things I'd do for mlb ;)
The decor of the restaurant was very artsy, and we took our time selecting what dishes to share. Luckily mlb had eatigo, a reservation application that gave us a 50% off the bill ;)

Artsy shirt *-* even the wet napkins needed to adhere to the artistry of rotational symmetry ;)

Allegory of Love - Chicken & Waffles | Symphony from The East - Salted Egg Yolk Capellini
See how we smart Hwa Chong kias decided to rotate the table so that we could share food more comfortably ;) NOT TO MENTION GOLDEN CUTLERY

This is how you attempt to eat a cut of waffles with chicken in one mouth :P side effects include 45 likes on Instagram

The prawn on top smiles as its purpose has been served -- to us ;)

After brunch which was at around 11.30 am (I footed the bill, by the way), the both of us continued exploring one of the embodiments of atasity which was Mandarin Gallery, then we decided to walk towards Shaw Tower :) but on the way at Bugis, we walked past innisfree...... I hesitated to enter the shop, but at mlb's behest, we ended up inside. I looked at the samples on display and after reading their descriptions, I tried the White Tone Eye Serum..............................

Selfie~~~~~ at 1.02 pm
One of the staff came up to me to ask if I needed help, so I asked if they have anything for dark eye circles. She pointed me to this product:

Win liao lor. Just look at its name.
Then we left the store HAHAHAHAHA

We continued on our way to Shaw Tower where I introduced mlb to Tom's Palette, an ice-cream shop that sells flavourful ice-cream sure to please people's palettes ;) 1.53 pm
Remember, it's PALETTE, not PLACE, nor PLATE... ;)

Blueberry Cheesecake on the left, Granny's Favourite on the right, artsy didi in the back, shuai ge not in sight ;)

After ice-cream, we wanted to get to MBS but it was raining :( so didi lent me his cap while he used his umbrella :P
at 1.53 pm

We crossed the overhead bridge to Suntec City, trudged the underground towards Millenia Walk and then braved the rain under an umbrella towards MBS.

In the end, our shoes were soaked in Heaven's tears xD but I think the shared experience was what was mushy instead of our feet x)

I brought didi to..................................... look at MBS's iconic ceiling and the sight below it.
The sight of the belly of the beast.
The sight of the CA$HINO :D
I have brought many people to look at the casino's interior before, but this time I thought it would be good to get him to shut his eyes as I led him to the forefront of ledge. I guess that didn't build up as much anticipation as I had expected :\

We hanged about at the observation level as I told didi about my past, specifically my past relationships. Usually I don't like talking about my shameful, failed past relationships, but since he asked and because I liked him, I thought it was okay. Oh my, he knows so much now ;)

Afterwards, we chanced upon the exhibition that was currently held at the convention hall at MBS O.O

We spent a good 40 minutes or so browsing the coins and notes of the world's currencies on display... I had to whisper words of wisdom to dissuade him from becoming an impulsive buyer LOL
I myself bought two Starbucks cards at $1 each :P but one can only be used in USA and the other in Germany. I liked how the cards had gloss and also the German sentences on the card......

Didi and I left MBS and walked towards Tanjong Pagar since he had a dinner appointment with his family there at around 5.30 pm. I led him along the path from MBS towards Marina Bay Residences. He couldn't believe that the behemoth of a building was actually a condominium LOL
We cut across the tall towers and decided to have a short bite at Lau Pa Sat since he has a black hole stomach WHICH HE CONVENIENTLY PASSED ON TO ME :@ nowadays when I eat, I feel even hungrier LOL. Sighhhhhhh

Didi paid for this injeolmi bingsu :) he paid for Tom's Palette too, by the way, since korkor already paid for the $25.05 brunch ;)
The bingsu didn't taste that nice, though :s but the portion was beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg ;)

We continued on our way to Tanjong Pagar by foot :) I'm so impressed with my map sense, you know? One look at the map and I can lead you to your destination ;) which should have been my arms ;__;
Well, we reached Tanjong Pajar, embraced and parted ways :)

The time was 5.30+ pm, the weather still rainy, and I randomly walked about Tanjong Pagar, somehow ending up near Maxwell Food Centre......
I decided to look up Wut because I had plans for the night, and lucky for me, he was at Clarke Quay eating bak kut teh with some Thai friends of his :P
His friends were named Bible and Khem O.O

I brought them around Clarke Quay like the tour guide that I was, and somehow we ended up near Victoria Concert Hall o.o there was a jazz festival going on with some musical performances, and I brought them to have ice-cream too :P you know those ice-cream vendors that station themselves outside primary schools during school dismissal? xD
Luckily for us, they were charging only $1 a piece of ice-cream, unlike $1.20 or $1.50 a piece elsewhere in Singapore :@
I told them too that I was here before for a performance by my high school's Chinese drama club :P on Ong Teng Cheong, I guess. Or was it Tan Kah Kee.................... I THINK IT WAS TAN KAH KEE BECAUSE I REMEMBER TUSTIN JEH ACTING IN IT.

The emcee of the jazz festival welcomed the audience to enter The Arts House at The Old Parliament to participate in some activities, so I led the Three Thais inside to view the exhibitions

It's like HUNDREDS OF RIPPED PAGES from a storybook HIGHLIGHTED AWAY FOR SOME PARTS. How painstaking it must have been!
There was also an exhibition of Tinder chats...... ughs, just sick shit for some of them LOL

Afterwards, I brought them upstairs to check out what there was, and we entered a room with some art supplies :P
I decided to draw portraits of them because there was nothing else better to do LOL

Behold: my arteastiq flair!

Portraits of Wut, Khem and Bible, signed by yours truly :)

Afterwards, I thought of bringing them to have dinner or supper, so I led them to Lau Pa Sat where I was hours ago ;)

Unfortunately, they weren't hungry, and the char kway teow stall was closed already :( I had intended to head to the Bar along the Road later to catch up with CC, but CC said he wasn't going :( my mind started to wander and my mental faculties quivered, so I decided to send them off first :) I think we parted at Downtown station.

I then trudged towards Maxwell, asking people if they wanted to go there with me..........................................
Well, with a dying phone and also my fear of going there alone, I settled for a quick dinner instead.

A bowl of porridge with century egg to satiate my belly ;)
Fml, though, because I missed the last bus home and had to take some stupid bus to Clarke Quay, then I boarded Night Rider home. Omg, I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired on the bus that I almost missed my stop :( not to mention I had to dig for $4.50 in coins to pay for the fare, because my EZ-Link card was short by a few ten cents :(

Anyhow, I reached home, slept............ and I woke up to some donuts my mommie bought :)

Chewy Junior :) its logo kinda exudes innocence. Something I wish I had as I was growing up...... but its logo and the donuts were just filled with my mother's love for me :) even though I'm a piece-of-shit son x(

Alright, so that's my day that day :) on the twenty-fifth (and -eighth) of March, two thousand and seventeen.


[3.46 am] P.S. Look at the number of steps I took in the week HAHA. My poor feet T.T

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Wednesday 22 March 2017 @11:19
Third Post

Yesterday (21 March 2017) was a really good day for me! :D I managed to meet three new people. Well... my favourite one was the second one I met :P

Anyway, here was my day:

At around 12+ pm, I went to Ci Yuan CC to meet L for lunch. We decided to have prawn noodles at some stall. The stall had two versions -- the $4/5 one and the $2.80 one. The former had prawns the size of the normal big prawns you see at buffets; the latter had prawns the size of those you see in laksa.

What do you call a prawn without legs? Lame siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LOLOL

After lunch, we decided (or I decided) to have chendol, but sadly the stall was closed. So, L suggested we get Gong Cha at Hougang 1. Well... sheet, I did not bring out my NTUC card for the 5% discount :@
I ordered the Milk Tea with 0% sugar and less ice because I might just explode with diabetes if I keep on amplifying mah cuteness ;) jkjk
We then went to McDonald's (not "Mac" and with an apostrophe s) to sit and talk. Shhhh.
We talked about some stuff inspired from my viewing of his Instagram posts. We talked until around 2+ when I had to go back home to change because I was going to meet someone else ^_^

M Ng (SAME SURNAME AGAIN?!!?) you can actually guess the name of this chap LOL
I "rushed" to Bedok because I was meeting M, and we were going to go to East Coast Park to walkkkkkkkk all the way to MBS :)
I reached Bedok Bus Interchange at around 4 pm, and we finally met each other :) We boarded 196 at Berth B5 and on we went to Marine Terrace ^^
On the bus, we talked about his studies. He studied Psychology at a polytechnic, and he seemed like a high-achiever. Actually, his demeanour, appearance and accent really reminded me of Brandon. The similarity was really almost-uncanny.

We alighted and then walked to East Coast Park :) at first, I led him to the newly-revamped McDonald's and gave him a tour guide-esque introduction to the place. It was a really nice two minutes just telling him about the place :)
Towards the west we walked and we stopped at the second breakwater we encountered. We sat there against the sea breeze for a good 30 minutes or so, talking about things. I don't quite remember what we talked about, though. Oh yea, perhaps I mentioned to him my fascination of luxury and nice houses :) My hobby of sauntering around Serangoon Gardens just admiring the atasity and imagining that I was a resident.
Soon, raindrops pelted our physical vessels and we decided to continue on our way WHEN WE SAW THIS AMAZING SIGHT OMYGODDDDDDDD

THERE WAS HENRY THIA, the-guy-with-grey-hair-who-was-a-really-good-actor and some actress whose name I don't know LOL.
Omygoddddd, I was temporarily fanboying LMAO
I had to calm myself down LOLOL

Anyway, we continued on our way as I made stewpeed puns and also talked nonsense. Throughout the journey so far, he hadn't minded the walk :)
He also said that it's a good change of pace since he has been a busy person with his dance practice and all.
I had thought the path wouldn't have been THAAAAAAAAT long, but, boy, was I MISTAKEN.
We crossed this really long and wide bridge and continued walking. It started to drizzle.
Not long after, it started to POUR HAHAHA
Oh my God, it was really fun! HAHAHAHA OMG I CAN'T
Our shoes became ponds while we squish-squashed our way on. Luckily for him, he mentioned that he did want to wash that bag of his anyway. LOL
We continued walking in the pouring rain and it occurred to me that the path we were on didn't quite resemble the route I had taken to Gardens by the Bay before. Oh sheet.

As MBS was in sight and time was running out (it was around 6 pm already, and we had our own appointments in the evening), we decided not to take the route towards Gardens by the Bay by the dam because it seemed really far away, so we decided to turn right at a T-junction. The downpour had stopped there and as we walked under the extremely tall expressway, M made a sarcastic remark like "wowwwww, I wonder why these people (under the bridge) are not wet!" LOL. Hmmmm, I wonder why myself ;)
But as we walked and walked along the river, NOT A BRIDGE WAS IN SIGHT. AND TIME WAS RUNNING OUT.
And do you know what the best part was?


UGHHHHHHHHHHHHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. We submitted to our fate that we had to just walk a long way to the nearest MRT station under this really natural weather occurrence and just walked LOL.
A maid and her dog were also walking along the river as part of their walk, and even the dog had its own poncho ;___;
I realised that the nearest MRT station was actually Stadium station where I had gone one week ago. I saw the sign of Tanjong Rhu, and some thoughts just surfaced in my mind.
The rain was really, really heavy and M suddenly exclaimed "UGH, TITS" HAHAHAHA. It was like a sudden outburst of joy of experiencing something like this :')
We continued walking and I raised the topic of his past relationship experiences. I also shared about my experience of one week ago, giving him another tour guide-esque description of what went down with the chap in my First Post since we were literally at the bridge between Singapore Sports Hub and Tanjong Rhu Road.
We eventually reached Stadium station and then he went to change out of his drenched shirt at the MRT station's toilet while I looked at myself in the mirror. DRENCHED SIAAAAAAA

We took the train from Stadium to Promenade and we bade farewell at the escalator, complete with a handshake :) never to see each other again, though. Perhaps I shouldn't have talked about First Post person :\

On the way to Bedok

Adventure Cove: East Coast Park edition

My attempt at aquatic calligraphy. Kinda looked like a balloon ghost LOL

In summary, we walked from East Coast Park's McDonald's to Stadium station :)

Wut (pronounced as "wood")
I made my way to Dhoby Ghaut immediately to meet the third person on my agenda :) Wut is a Thai medical student who's in Singapore for a month to observe medical practices.

We walked around Plaza Singapura at first, then I suggested that we go towards Bugis, because I wanted to get something at Cotton On at Suntec City, actually :P
As we walked from Plaza Singapura, we passed by The Cathay, SOTA, Lasalle, Sim Lim Square and Bugis Street and we reached Bugis+ :) the whole way, I was giving him a tour guide-esque introduction and descriptions of those landmarks to this tourist. I brought him up to the highest level of Bugis+ to enjoy the slight heavenly breeze before we descended back to have Aston's :)

My Hickory BBQ Chicken with pasta salad and baked potato ^^ at the really affordable price of $39.60 divided by 4

We talked about stuff including his change in view of euthanasia. He asked if euthanasia was a more merciful decision for someone who was paralysed from the neck down, unable to speak a word, lying in the hospital bed for decades...... Is there ever anymore meaning in life for these people? Well...... hearing about such things makes me feel really sian, because it's gloomy... Personally, I still uphold the view that life is sacrosanct, though. The power of God can heal people for sure!

After dinner, I felt thirsty and so we went to Gong Cha, but it was already closed :( so we just made our way towards Suntec City through Shaw Leisure :) again, throughout the journey I was being a tour guide. I can really be a tour guide LOL
He showed me a picture of a handsome Thai.
I'm like TMD WHY THE THAIS ALL LOOK SO SHUAI DE. Not like in Singapore :@ where the number is far and few :(

After buying some footwear (four pairs LOL), we walked towards MBS :) apparently, there's some iLight event that's going on. I took some pictures of the inflatable park :) the staff said that it's for the young and the young at heart LOL

Some cute cones :)

A closeup

It's interesting how all these were set up on the Floating Platform, which means that no POP can happen here until after the exhibition ends on 26 March, and the amount of energy required to sustain the inflation puzzles me.

You know, the view at night of the promenade is reallllllly gorgeous. Oh, how I wish that I could have brought a date here...... alas, fate deals a cruel hand.

We continued sauntering slowly towards the Merlion when Wut shared about how sad 2016 was to him. His beloved aunty had succumbed to breast cancer due to a relapse, making the cancer cells spread to every part of her body......
I also shared with him about Angie, my friend who suffered from cervical cancer... A really pretty woman whose chance of having a child to hold was robbed away by the cruelty of genetic mutations. Life...... really can be cruel sometimes.

We proceeded to the Merlion near Fullerton Hotel and we took some selfies using his camera :) for some reason, his camera really sucked LOL
You know how there are some "pudding cameras" that beautify you? His was like the exact opposite LOL
It's like your facial contours are erased and you look like sheet LOL but it's okay :x

Interestingly, I saw no tourists doing the mouth-opening thing to take a picture of themselves as the Merlion vomits into their oral orifices as we commonly see in tourist shots.

We continued walking and then crossed the road near Downtown station :) we bought some drinks at the 7-eleven there where there were two Japanese men with flawless skin and handsome faces LMAO.

We walked to Raffles City station and then boarded the train northward. He alighted at Somerset while I went to Ang Mo Kio to take a bus home.

Initially I had intended to meet someone else for dinner. This guy said over Tinder that he was interested in me and shared about how he has "matured" and "learned" after experiencing a bad breakup over Tinder. When he asked about my day about M and asked if it were romantic walking in the rain together, I said yes. What happened next was my application crashed... because he unmatched me LMAO.
I had recalled this idiot pua this stunt at me in the past before. Well, well, so much for maturity.

YEA, so this was my 21 March 2017 :)


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Sunday 19 March 2017 @18:01
Second Post

Hello, it's me again.

So, the usually endeavouring me decided to write a letter to deliver to the person mentioned in the First Post. Where it would strike someone as a drastic act that but stemmed from the deepest sincerity, my efforts just struck a steel wall. A steel wall of heartlessness. Of all the qualities I looked out for in somebody -- the looks, the brains and the heart -- he had shown that he was only conditionally kind to people who have not crossed him. That is fake compassion. That is just being a Lawrence Kyle Ng (oh my, the same surname).

Well, I guess it's a case of a self-fulfilling prophecy fanatic.

Despite my drunken and physically, mentally disabled state last night (well, 11 pm+ 18 March to 1.30 am 19 March) and pleas for some simple assistance which was fetching me some plain water (because I already vomited the fuck out of my stomach until what was left were gagging convulsions), he had to brush it all aside as "drama" (fuck you) and fall back on his principle of "I'm not gunna entertain you". We're talking about a REAL human being in DIRE need here, where the only person he knew at the club or in that area was you, and you had the inhumanity to just leave him for dead. Not a single sight of human compassion nor dignity.

The audacity to incessantly cast upon me the shadow of the loser of your past and the arrogance to think that all my efforts were based on the sole purpose to get your romantic attention. Fuck off, no one is going to want to date a monster, and neither would I.

I thought wrongly of you. You are not a nice person after all. You're also the king of making predictable and the stupidest assumptions, not to mention full of contradictions yourself, but I was just toooooooooooo nice not to raise them up. Trust me, I was.
I will not allow such a heartless, inhumane monster to be friends with me. I hope you are proud of that.

It's not the first time I've seen the likes of you. All of you need to be kinder.
Whoever knew that monsters could also put on angels' robes.

Just to qualify something, I was merely acting as a courier for a letter. I have delivered letters to some other people before right to their doorsteps, so I find this time's act nothing strange. ^_^

In summary: fucking worst experience getting drunk. I am never touching alcohol again.
And thanks to the guy who bought me some water from 7-eleven and the guy who hailed and paid for my Grab taxi ride back home for saving me. I am really touched and grateful for your help despite my penniless state. x)
Thank you also, jace didi, for accompanying me on LINE :)


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